Free guide to language translation!

We have a different business model to most – we believe nice guys really can win. With 21 years successful language translation service delivery under our belts, we find clients are tiring of the “least for most”  model most suppliers follow and increasingly buy-in to the friendly supportive language services Lifeline provides.

As part of that we’re proud to announce the addition to our website of our new free, downloadable Really Helpful Friendly Guide to language translation (which you don’t have to get from us, although we’d rather you did!) The guide gives you lots of helpful advice on what to watch for and how to prep jobs to obtain the best translation, whatever translation provider you use. You can download it from the link above, from our main Language Translation page, or from any of our Language pages – so far French, German, Spanish, Russian, Dutch or Polish.

Here’s a funny thing – did you know anyone can start a translation agency in the UK? They actually need no language qualifications or translation ability whatsoever, so sourcing translation really is a case of caveat emptor – which is why our Guide and FAQ page offer helpful advice on seeing beyond the marketing hype to spot the genuine translation providers.

Also coming (very) soon are our Guides on language voiceover and language interpreting, to be followed by helpful Guides on language  transcription and multilingual typesetting. You’ll also be able to download our infosheets on Medical Interpreting and Insurance Translation and Interpreting. All these will be the subject of new posts – watch this space! We’ll be building on and extending these so do stop back occasionally.