Language translator services and interpreter services

Language translator services really aren’t all the same…

For starters, ours are accredited to ISO 17100 (our interpreting services are likewise accredited to ISO 18841) – you can verify that here.

Our highly-regarded language interpreter and language translator services support over 150 languages and a wide range of combinations such as French to Italian – that means you pay for one translation, instead of having to translate French into English then translate that into Italian..

Our quality-assured translator network of over 3,500 specialist language partners assures you of both the language and  sector expertise needed. We carefully select the right translator, and the right reviewer, for YOUR material.

So you’ll get the language translator services you need, which means you’ll get the language translation that you need – accurate, on-time, right. By way of evidence, here’s a few case studies…

Language translator services for your real world

The list below of recent projects is far from comprehensive, but should give an idea of our capability. But if you don’t see what you need listed, just ask!

“FIGS” – French, Italian, German & Spanish

  • French
    French translator and French interpreter activity includes websites, contracts, tourism guides, manuals, logistics, taxation, construction, medical certificates, and lots of insurance. We’ve also handled voiceovers, packaging layout, and sight-translation of French property deeds for private clients
  • German
    Our German team’s handled IT and finance, project management software, IPO’s and contracts, and tax reclaims. Environmental translation has featured a lot, as has piles of education stuff, while German interpreting covered training courses and legal cases.
  • Spanish
    Spanish and Latin American Spanish activity includes catalogues, brochures, websites, tenders and specifications, economics, and lots of legal certified translation.
  • Italian
    The varied diet of our busy Italian translators includes contracts, VAT documents, and glass industry content (Italy’s famous for its glassware). There’s also lots of medical material (mainly insurance), newsletters, and stacks of food and drink translation (of course!). We’re also delivering lots of Italian interpreting, especially to the healthcare sector.
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Other European

  • Portuguese
    Our Portuguese (and Brazilian Portuguese) translators have delivered software localisation, websites, datasheets, and transcription. Alongside that a wide range of technical content has included marine and aero engineering, petrochem work, and lots of translation and typesetting for NGOs.
  • Central & Eastern Europe
    Our Central & Eastern European team has translated Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, Latvian, Estonian, Croatian and Serbian. Because font issues can be REALLY tricky in these we’re also doing lots of typesetting! Fortunately, we’ve had a lot of practice… In terms of content, our translators and interpreters have been busy on marketing, newsletters, datasheets, courses, tax, banking, legal cases, correspondence and engineering.
  • Russian
    While due to the Ukraine situation, Russian is no longer the frequent flier it was, limited demand is still there. Previous work in this language included Russian transcription – including large certified projects – coupled with lots of Russian typesetting (including a 100 page technical catalogue).
  • Dutch
    Recent Dutch workload included water treatment, environmental reports, courses and newsletters, tax, finance, a large retail training course and Dutch and Flemish interpreting.
  • Scandinavian Languages
    Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic & Danish (Finnish less so) look similar to the untrained eye – we’re regularly asked to translate from the wrong one! Recent work includes EU reports, Finnish tax certificates, Swedish police stuff, Norwegian video and Danish contracts, and lots of food packaging using all 5 at once…
  • Greek
    Greek translation brings its own typesetting issues due to the font and wide spacing. Recent Greek translator work includes training courses, codes, tax, Greek voice overs, data sheets & brochures…
  • Albanian, Turkish
    Albanian & Turkish also mean the translator must watch their fonts! Interpreting is the big hitter currently in these languages, along with chemical and food packaging translation.


  • Indian languages
    Indian languages include Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Tamil, Sylheti and Urdu. Font and format issues are significant (Urdu, like Arabic, reads right-to-left), but we’ve established expertise to handle these. Recent Indian language work includes lots of council and housing association stuff and masses of interpreting.
  • Chinese
    We translate Traditional & Simplified Chinese, and provide Cantonese and Mandarin interpreter services. Demand for both Mandarin and Cantonese interpreting is strong, and we’re also translating a wide variety of other Chinese material. The last year has included technical bulletins and lots of Chinese typesetting, as well as the catalogue for a recent major Hong Kong art exhibition and the London Shopper’s Guide for a leading fashion magazine.
  • Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese
    Video work is on the rise currently, with several recent projects, while translation in these languages continues steadily.

Other language translator services

  • RTL – Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Kurdish,Pashto
    Beautiful languages to look at – but remember, they go right to left (“RTL”), so typesetting is fun! Lots going on – stacks of interpreting in all these, along with the typesetting work and a range of NGO stuff. We’ve also typeset an enormous education project for Saudi Arabia, plant products, and more food packaging…
  • African languages
    We support translation and interpreting for most African languages, particularly those of the refugee communities including Amharic, Lingala, Sinhala, Somali, Swahili, Tigrinya and Shona. Unsurprisingly most African language demand is in interpreting, and we assist a wide range of courts, social services, insurance and medical clients around the UK.
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Our vast translator and interpreter network also supports many lesser-known languages – we actually handle over 100. So if you don’t see what you need above, please do ask – there’s a short form below.

To see how our language translator services can help you, why not drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you. Or simply call our helpful team on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)