
being the occasional newsletter from Lifeline Language Services for our favourite people

We haven’t been putting these out as often as we should, too busy, so our New Year’s Resolution for 2024 is to remedy that! We’re just as (or more) busy, but this way we get to share what we’re doing with you! We’ll add a taster on here for each as it’s published, and previous issues are of course available in full to new suscribers on request.

What? You’re not a subscriber yet?

All this fun stuff you’re missing out on! Did you hear the one about the orchestra touring Greece? Or a whole new kind of recycling? We can’t guarantee Booker Prize winning prose, but reactions are generally favourable plus our Newsletters come with a light touch you may find refreshing if you usually get boring old corporate ones.

To avoid missing out on any more of these literary gems, we’d love you to subscribe – there’s a big friendly green button below! We promise your subscription email will ONLY be used for the newsletter, will NEVER be passed on to others, and since we publish no more than once a month (or longer if we’re too busy to write it), you can be sure you won’t be inundated.

And you can of course unsubscribe at any time through the link on the newsletter email or  blue button below. It’ll be done promptly, although we’ll be sorry to lose you!

We hope you enjoy the tasters below, and look forward to welcoming you aboard (when all these will be available in full, of course!)!

June 2023

June 23 Newsletter taster

March 2024

March 2024 Langtastic

December 2023

Dec 23 Newsletter taster

February 2024

Newsletter Feb24_taster