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Translation reviews really matter!

Translation reviews are the lifeblood of our business, and we’re over the moon that so many people have said so many nice things about us over the years! We used to keep a Guest Book of these, but internet security concerns sadly mean that’s no longer an option – we’ve had to lose it.

But, we miss it. So if YOU enjoyed working with us, whether as client or as supplier, we’d love your thoughts.

So …

translation reviews still really matter!

Google Reviews let you post your reviews directly to our business profile – you’ll just need to be logged in with your Google account.

That’s what drives the lovely gold stars you see on our pages and Google listings.

So if you’d like to say something nice, we’d really appreciate it!

Here’s the link to the Review page  – or, use the big blue button!

Many thanks from all the team here – we look forward to helping again soon!

Hang on – I didn’t mean that sort of translation review…?

Ah, sorry for the confusion – Translation review also of course refers to checking the quality and accuracy of a translation – and if it’s that translation quality assurance you’re looking for, you’ve still come to the right place!

Those reviews are just part of our wider services – we not only carefully review our own translations, but offer a full review service for translation sourced elsewhere. Whether you want full back-translation, or simply translation proofreading, you’ll find everything you need on our Translation proofreading and back-translation page.