Foreign Language Transcription Services

English & Foreign Language Transcription
& Multilingual Transcription Translation Services

Professional & user-friendly multilingual & English transcription services since 1990

Lifeline has been a valued [foreign language transcription] supplier to Autonomy for many years and provides quality services
– Autonomy Systems (now HPE)

Foreign language transcription makes sound, sense

Our expert multilingual transcription services have been helping with interview and conference transcription needs since 1990. Clients include researchers, insurers, solicitors and voice recognition developers, as well as other language providers. Good foreign language transcription should make sound, sense – and that’s just what ours does.

Fully reviewed for accuracy, our foreign language transcription is all by mother-tongue professional transcribers and translators. The main languages from which we’ve transcribed to date include Polish and French, Spanish, German & Italian, and Chinese, along with Greek and Russian, while Romanian, Portuguese, and Punjabi have all recently featured. We also of course transcribe from English too!

Multilingual transcription translation services

Transcription translation – in which we provide a bilingual transcript, in both the source language and English – has been delivered in Gujarati, Urdu & Bengali, as well as Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Swedish and Dutch. A major EU contract has also needed many hours of multilingual transcription translation, in which 3 or more languages are in use at the same time. We split the different languages between the necessary transcribers and translators, then check and review the results, before compiling the whole into one document.

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Foreign language transcription audio formats

Most foreign language transcription services are today from digital sources (usually WAV, DSS or MP3 files) although – amazingly! – we do still also support minicassette (C45/C60/C90) or microcassette. We’re able to convert most audio formats though, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need something else!

Certified multilingual transcription services

A transcript or transcript translation required for use in court or for an investigation will often need to be certified. That’s why we also offer fully-certified multilingual transcription services, most commonly asked for by our legal and insurance clients. Certification legally “approves” a foreign language transcription for this kind of use.

Some more detail on certification is on this page, along with the other principal legal forms.

Get in touch

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WANTED – professional transcribers!

Our multilingual transcription services success means we’re looking for more professional transcribers able to work accurately and on-time, both for English transcription and transcription in many other languages. If you’re an experienced transcriber looking to work with a respected and popular provider, why not drop us a line with details of your experience, capacity/speed, pricing, any specialisms, and preferred languages?

In return we’ll send you a short test piece, and if that’s all good we’ll add you to our partner base. There are no “registration fees” or other gimmicks, and we won’t demand crazy deadlines or other nonsense. However, we DO expect a high standard, and punctuality – this is not the place for “Think I’ll give transcription a go” if you’re not used to doing it. But, if you ARE – then what are you waiting for?

For multilingual transcription services that really listen, just drop us a few details (in total confidence) – we’ll get straight back to you.
Or if you’d rather discuss, our helpful team is on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (International 00 44 1772 558858)