Travel & tourism translation services

Tourism translation takes different skills…

… because your tourism translation must be as attractive and appealing as your tourist destination.

Travel and tourism translation takes a special kind of translator.

Because your destination’s translation, whether that destination be cruise, ski, Caribbean or adventure, needs to appeal – and that’s something most translation providers fail to get, which is why so much tourism translation is so DULL.

Sure, our business translation is great for stuff like user manuals and insurance.

But our tourism translation

… works much harder, to capture all the excitement and glamour of your destination – and THAT is something FAR fewer translators can do well. You’ll have invested in expensive copywriting to make sure that brochure SINGS – the last thing you need is a translation that reads like an obituary.

Thanks once again you guys are great to work with.”
– Global tourism operator

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tourism translation that doesn't palm you off...

Tourism translation to trust

We’re accredited to BS EN ISO 17100, assuring you of professional standards and systems – there’s more info on our blog, here.

We’re also Corporate Members of the Institute of Translation & Interpreting (ITI) and Full Members of the UK Association of Translation Companies (ATC) – in fact our Managing Director was previously a Director of the ATC.

But most importantly, we’ve been doing this for over 30 years. We’re that good.

tourism translation services for the travel professional

Tourism translation’s a beach…

… or charming old town, luxury spa resort, relaxing golf hotel, vibrant club scene, thrilling black run, or anywhere tourism is a lead actor.

Every destination seeks to attract enthusiastic visitors eager to explore the heritage, activities or other attractions on offer. And that’s far more likely to happen when the translation of those attractions is both well-written and appealing.

That’s why successful destinations spend serious money copywriting their material. And hire us to provide powerful multilingual copywriting to ensure the strength of that attraction is retained.

Travel & tourism translation isn’t like other translation

For a whole range of reasons, translated content can often sound “literal”, with an awkward style that makes it dull and irritating to read. Carelessly done, it can even be amusing, for all the wrong reasons. And THAT translation is so NOT what your destination marketing needs!

Our tourism translation isn’t like that, which is why we’re language partners to leading global hotel chains and destination regions. Our skilled translators and copy-writers make sure that your holiday and destination sound and look just as attractive, exciting and appealing as the holiday or resort itself.

But we don’t just provide great translation – our multilingual typesetting/DTP (fully proofread), and our voiceover and subtitling, bring that same excitement and appeal to your brochures and online vids. And THOSE are some GREAT ways to bring more visitors.

Do try and keep up…

If you’re in the travel biz, this isn’t a bad tool to keep up with – or ahead of – developments…

Tourism translation isn’t always as intended…

Our Fun Stuff page is full of examples of less “successful” tourism translation which we’ve encountered or had sent in to us. The funniest thing is, none of the producers realise it’s funny…

The worrying thing is that UK tourism is just as bad – we’ve seen many truly awful examples on our travels. “International” hotel menus in particular attract more than their share of bloopers – so if you’d like yours to be less junk food, and more gourmet, our great food & beverage translation can help with that too.

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Full Corporate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, we’re also an accredited Member of the Association of Translation Companies, and are ISO 17100 and ISO 18841 accredited. You’re in safe hands.

So for a better language solution for your needs, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you.
Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858).