Professional trusted SSE & BSL interpreting, Braille transcription & more

Special needs interpreting & translation for schools, social services, medical, legal…

Whether interpreting SSE (Sign Supported English) or BSL (British Sign Language), delivering effective services in special needs cases takes a special kind of interpreter. Our carefully-selected experienced professionally-qualified and CRB/DBS-cleared interpreters fit perfectly, assisting medical and education professionals, parents, social workers and others to deliver the very best outcome possible for families and professionals.

Fully CRB/DBS cleared SSE & BSL interpreting services

In a vulnerable persons situation you have to know the interpreter can be trusted. And as the provider of the interpreter, so do we. Which is why we’ll only ever provide professionally-qualified and fully CRB/DBS-cleared SSE, foreign language or BSL interpreting. No exceptions.

Special needs foreign language interpreting

We’re proud to have helped with many migrant and other foreign language cases, often children coming from conflict backgrounds who are sometimes also badly traumatized, by ensuring effective and supportive communication between teaching staff, family and carers, social services, and the children themselves – as the Case Study below shows.

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BSL interpreting in action - that's handy!

Like to learn more about BSL interpreting?

If you’re affected by hearing difficulties, or would simply like to explore BSL interpreting, the British Deaf Association has a useful site here including advice on working with a BSL interpreter.

ISO accredited BSL interpreting and translation

Lifeline is proud to be accredited to both ISO 18841, for Interpreting Services, and ISO 17100, for Translation services. That assures you of the highest standard of service and delivery.

You can read more about these Standards, and why they matter, on our blog, here!

Outdoor braille transcription of a notice

Responsive affordable Braille transcription

Are you paying too much for slow and poor-quality Braille transcription services?

Because of our long-standing relationship with a specialist local partner – themselves working with a visually-impaired team – we’re able to offer exceptional service at exceptional rates. And like all our language services, our Braille transcription is to the highest standard.

Curious about Braille transcription?

Braille transcription is a fascinating topic in its own right. We work with a local sight loss charity to deliver professional cost-effective Braille to support organisations and individuals.

If you’re curious to know more, you can learn about the history of Braille, and how it’s developing, on the RNIB’s excellent webpage.

Can anything be transcribed into Braille?

In principle, all text can be provided as Braille transcription. However, it must be remembered that it’s an entirely linear format – design flexibility is very limited, as a Braille text relies on the reader’s finger tracing the rows of characters across the page.

Case study – special needs language interpreting

The Syrian refugee crisis resulted in 2 significant resettlement programmes in our area, handling 15 families. As lead provider Lifeline delivered well over 100 days of interpreting – several with multiple interpreters – and extensive translation to assist the families and involved Councils.

Our specialist interpreters assisted with GP and school registration, shopping, housing and benefits, and setting-up utility payments. They also helped familiarise the families with local transport and surroundings, and with the support team’s regular home visits and group sessions for the affected families.

Schools and medical services liaison has been key, with our interpreters facilitating numerous meetings, supported by a range of our document translation.

Feedback was excellent, and our interpreters were very well received by all of the families and professionals involved.

So why us?

Because we are:

  • proven
  • professionally qualified
  • very experienced
  • highly trusted.

“Sounds good, but we’re on a Framework Provider agreement?”

Many of our clients are, but struggle to obtain the responsiveness they need. Where we generally come in is where the Framework Provider is unable to adequately meet (usually urgent) needs.

That we’re frequently better, and often lower cost, is a bonus.

Full Corporate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, we’re also an accredited Member of the Association of Translation Companies, and are ISO 17100 and ISO 18841 accredited. You’re in safe hands.

So for a better language solution for your needs, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you.
Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)