Public Sector Interpreting Services
& Public Sector Translation Services

Public sector language services really matter

… because whether it’s BSL, Braille, Farsi or Ukrainian, it’s real people’s lives and futures.

Accredited to BS EN ISO 17100 (for translation)
& 18841 (interpreting)

Public sector translation isn’t like translating brochures or accounts. Because it doesn’t sell stuff, or help shareholders. Instead, it’s about service users’ lives – which the quality of public sector interpreting and translation services can dramatically impact.

We’ve delivered over 20,000 interpreting assignments to date, including many 1000s of hours of public sector interpreting across the UK for education, medical / hospital, legal provision and more in dozens of languages including BSL and SSE.

Alongside that is many, many thousands of words of public sector translation including education, social services, health & safety, and environmental, in dozens of languages including Braille – all with great feedback.

We consider your company to be the benchmark of best practice”
– NHS Trust

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public sector interpreting & public sector translation

Public sector case study: migration

Upheaval in many countries around the world is driving migration at unprecedented scale, and like most of the UK our region’s public sector is under pressure – which we’re able to help relieve. As a leading language services provider, we’re at the forefront of providing language support to our regional Councils and their social services as they cope – superbly – with the challenges.

Delivering thousands of assignments in support, our translation and interpreters work together – across 22 language combinations so far – to ensure language is consistent and clear. Feedback from the social workers and service users is brilliant, and we and our linguists feel privileged to be playing such a key role in so many lives.

public sector translation image

Confidentiality assured: trusted public sector provision

Data security has never mattered more than now. With us, your stuff STAYS confidential and will ONLY be shared with the linguist who’ll be doing the work. We will know and trust them, and have a binding non-disclosure agreement in place with them.

Public sector interpreting & translation – for people

Public sector interpreting or translation may affect health, housing or employment prospects, or many other aspects of life. We get that it’s all about people. That’s just one of the reasons we’re respected providers for councils, housing groups, prisons, hospitals, schools, and more, who trust our public sector interpreting to look after their service users and their staff.

Our professionally-qualified and experienced mother-tongue linguists know this too. Which means that your tenant’s handwritten letter translation receives the same attention to detail as your reports, and that our public sector interpreting makes those difficult tenant interviews so much easier. Because at the end of the day, your users’ welfare – and your employees’ performance or wellbeing – can depend on the quality and ease of use of language provision.

Effective public sector language provision ensure effective communication and saves money

The public sector needs to communicate effectively to look after its users. Those users may be 1000s of residents, or just one tenant. That communication may be a bright environmental flyer, a website video, or a school letter. Or it can be supportive face-to-face or remote interpreting to help a scared refugee family.

But, it has to do this cost-effectively – never more so than today. So it’s important to get provision right. Unprofessional interpreting results in more appointments being needed than should be the case, and all too often sub-optimal outcomes that harm service end-user families and incur far higher costs over time.

Getting it right

Communicating with your service users accurately is key to outcomes. Our genuine one-stop solutions – not only translation and interpreting, but also transcription, typesetting, video and more – allow us to really help you, to help them – as much or as little as you need – while you work with one provider, instead of ten.

Full Corporate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, we’re also an accredited Member of the Association of Translation Companies, and are ISO 17100 and ISO 18841 accredited. You’re in safe hands.

So for a better language solution for your needs, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you. Or just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)