Business translation services to trust since 1990

> 30,000 business translation services to date

> some 50 million source words translated professionally and cost-effectively

Business translation services are key to overseas or export success.

Remember that for non-English prospects, the first impression of your company is your business translation – make it count!

Remember too that professional business translation services give your business a real edge – not least because your competitors often cut corners on language. Accurate expert translation really counts if your product or service is to be accepted in the market.

Accredited to BS EN ISO 17100, our 30+ years’ experience and expert team ensure that your business translation services are to the same high standard you demand of every other aspect of your business. Quickly and cost-effectively.

Translation feedback … has been excellent.”
– H J Heinz

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Did you know that business translation services are one of the earliest professions?

Negotiating trade – or wars – between groups put business translation on the front line, where “customer complaints” had sharp edges!

Business translation services for your business.

Business translation services work better when the translator knows the business. Just as every business is unique, so too is every business translation – which is why knowledge of your sector really matters. With over 30 years’ real-world experience in logistics, engineering, agrifood, retail and many more sectors, our in-house team has exceptional skills. That’s continued in our professional mother-tongue translator base, with expertise from agrifood to zoology.

That’s underpinned by hand-picking the optimal professional translator for YOUR stuff (not just the cheapest); by double translation review (INCLUDED in the price – NOT a paid-for extra); and thorough quality assurance that ensures we deliver high-quality business translation services in over 100 languages.

Business translation services aren’t all the same

If you just need information, and errors or grammar aren’t important, then a surprising amount of day-to-day stuff can actually be left to something like Google or Bing Translate. Routine emails or website browsing are prime examples, and many browsers now offer machine translation of pages.

But where content must convince – whether for building in-country teams, the perfect sales brochure, product marketing, training videos, technical manuals, or company blogs and social media – then professional business translation is a must.

Choosing the right business translation services assures you of experienced well-qualified mother-tongue translators and reviewers hand-picked for knowledge of your sector, backed by great project management and thorough research.

Always look for:

  • 100% professionally-qualified mother-tongue translators
  • the technical expertise your project needs
  • confidentialitynever just assume this is the case – it often isn’t!
  • experience – translation agencies come and go like fashion. Use one with history – we’ve over 30 years’.
  • rigorous quality standards we’re accredited to ISO 17100.

Specialist business translation services

Like every skilled professional, business translation services specialise so make sure you choose a provider familiar with your sector. Ours include agrifood, insurance, most engineering, environment, health & safety, petconomy, horeca (hotels/restaurants/café), travel and tourism, logistics, and legal, among many others. Tradeshows – where your product may be seen for the very first time! – are also a speciality, guaranteeing the launch you need. At the really specialist end we also handle GUI and HMI translation, where understanding what’s being controlled is key.

Finally, unlike most providers we also translate handwritten texts.

The many benefits of using really capable business translation services are apparent in our case studies.

We also get great feedback from our clients – you can see some on Google here.

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Business translation services aren’t new…

Business translation services aren't new!

This is the Rosetta Stone, in the British Museum – their page is here.

It’s an early (c.200 BC) example of business translation, actually an official message – a decree, about King Ptolemy V.

Why’s it here? Well, the message was in the Hieroglyphics language, but the Stone also carried a translation in the Demotic and Ancient Greek languages.

And THAT’s important because when it was found, we couldn’t read hieroglyphics. But we COULD read Ancient Greek – so from the Stone, we learned to translate hieroglyphics. Cool or what?

Get better translation, for free!

Did you know there’s a lot you can do yourself to help ensure you get the best translation? AND often save yourself cost and time? No? That’s why we’re happy to share with you our advice, in our (free!) Really Helpful Friendly Guide to Translation (PDF)

As well as our translation services, we provide professional business interpreting (including remote) plus multilingual copywriting, foreign language typesetting and voiceover or subtitling services.

Why us?

Unless you know the language yourself, you have to trust your provider – one reason our clients tell us we’re “great to work with”. Here’s some of the reasons why:

  • we review the source for terminology to pre-empt queries and delays (most providers don’t)
  • we carefully brief our translators, with advice and reference sources (very few providers do this)
  • we prepare and maintain glossaries (most don’t do this either)
  • we support our translators with terminology, advice, and queries (or this)
  • our unique database helps us find the best translator for you (instead of the cheapest)
  • our analysis and CAT* tools improve quality and consistency and can also yield savings for you
  • all of our translation is reviewed twice, and that’s INCLUDED in the price. Many providers charge extra for even ONE review!
  • we format your translation properly so it’s immediately usable (most providers can’t or won’t do this)
  • our project management assures you of on-time delivery

And by sharing our knowledge and our experiences, we get better every day.
* CAT = Computer Assisted Translation (important – absolutely NOT machine or Google translation!) See our FAQs for more.

Full Corporate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, we’re also an accredited Member of the Association of Translation Companies, and are ISO 17100 and ISO 18841 accredited. You’re in safe hands.

So for a better language solution for your needs, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you. Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858).