Bespoke translation & interpreting solutions, made-to-measure for you.

Is this YOUR provider?

AI, MT, faceless, remote, “use our portal”, unreachable… How many of these and more apply to your language provider?

It can be easy to feel your translation agency is just a conveyor belt. We’ve all encountered them – bored operators and disinterested project managers, delivering same-old-same-old language “solutions” driven by price.

No character, no communication, no engagement, no commitment.

And all too often barely any quality assurance either.

Bespoke translation, bespoke interpreting

Disinterested translation?

You’ve probably spent days or weeks on your content, getting precise nuance and perfect messaging. Your content is so good, it’s beautiful. Now, for the training course you’re giving in Morocco next month you need it in French.

So you logon to your language supplier’s portal, upload your stuff and tick “French” in the Languages list, and get an automated email back with a quote.You logon again to confirm, and 3 weeks later you get another email saying it’s ready and to download the translation. You logon yet again, hit “Download” and there’s your stuff apparently in French.

At no point during that process did anyone contact you to discuss style, or layout, or terminology, or who the reader would be, or whether you had existing content to match, or to query any of the highly-technical in-house terminology, or what to do about the English language graphics, or even whether Moroccan dialect and culture should be considered in the translation.

Same old same old.

Sure, it’s in French – but with so little engagement from the provider, will it actually work? Will it really deliver your message? Is it in fact still beautiful?

Bespoke translation, made-to-measure for your projects

It doesn’t have to be like that. We don’t even have a translation portal, because we WANT our linguists to engage with you. That way there’s dialogue, and THAT way there’s the translation you actually need – because we’ve taken the time to understand purpose, and audience, and terminology, and technology, in fact everything that you want to convey – because by understanding it, we can brief translators properly, and quality-assure our translation thoroughly.

Made to measure translation that perfectly fits your project.

Ignorant interpreting?

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel your interpreting provider cared? Asked the right questions, and matched the ideal interpreter to YOUR requirement? Someone who actually understood that interpreting a medical appointment is not the same as interpreting a conference, and that telephone interpreting doesn’t work in sign language? Even someone who knew that Punjabi isn’t one language, and that you need to establish which is needed to assign the right interpreter?

Maybe to have interpreters actually turn-up? Not looking like they’ve just crawled out of bed? Even – just possibly – interpreters who are friendly, but who know the difference between advocate and linguistic interpreting? Best of all, wouldn’t it be nice to know you could TRUST the interpreter? So you can focus on your job, without worrying whether they’re interpreting correctly?

Made-to-measure interpreting, bespoke to your requirements

If that sounds good, you’ll enjoy our bespoke interpreting with straightforward friendly and helpful booking by our knowledgeable and dedicated project managers.

That’s because our commitment to you is to delivering the best, most frictionless interpreting possible, allowing you to concentrate on doing your job while we take care of the language. We’ll ask the right questions to deliver the best possible assignment from our carefully-selected professionally-qualified expert interpreters, and our systems allow us to provide continuity of interpreter (rather than the cheapest available!) to assure maximum benefit to your service users throughout multi-assignment situations.

We think this is important, because we believe that being properly heard, and properly understanding what is said, shouldn’t be the preserve of diplomats and big business.

Bespoke interpreting is made-to-measure for you, and for your service users and colleagues.

We’ve always provided bespoke translation and made-to-measure interpreting. And we always will.

Of course, we’re accredited to ISO 17100 for translation services, and to ISO 18841 for interpreting services – so are many other providers. What many other providers AREN’T, is genuinely interested in YOUR project – and without interest, there’s no engagement and no commitment. That’s why we’ve always been different, and that’s why we always will be.