Court Interpreter Services, Legal Interpreting, Legal Translation Services

Qualified court & legal interpreting services

Certified & notarized legal translation services

Accurate foreign language legal transcription

Insurance, forensic + medical legal translation

100% DPSI-qualified CRB/DBS-cleared interpreters

5,000+ legal & court interpreter services delivered

Your [legal translation] services were exemplary.”
– Leading London law firm

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All of this is underpinned by our accreditation to BS EN 17100 for Translation Services, and BS EN 18841 for Interpreting Services.

So you can be sure that language provision for your case will be in the best possible hands.

And when you’re fighting that case, at least you won’t have to worry about language.

Accurate foreign language legal transcription & translation

With so much content now in audio format, the need for accurate effective audio transcription – both English and foreign language – is growing. Having that transcript in a translated bilingual format ensures ease of use by counsel and court.

The accuracy of our multilingual legal transcription & translation (including from handwritten source) is assured through careful selection of trusted transcribers and translators, backed-up by diligent research and thorough review. We have an excellent record for both accuracy and service.

Our legal translation and legal and court interpreter services come with many years’ expertise in insurance, medical and forensic science. We’ve delivered more than 5,000 legal and court assignments to date, with an excellent track record. As a result our UK-wide network of confidentiality-assured professional legal linguists has a great reputation.

  • Our legal & court interpreter services cover more than 100 languages UK-wide. And because we pay our interpreters properly, they’re very good AND extremely reliable. Our on-time record stands at 98% plus.
  • We certify or notarize legal translation, and as full ATC & Corporate ITI members we’re also able to certify in-house saving you cost and time.
  • We also translate handwritten texts – not many providers will do so.
  • Our mother-tongue professional transcribers produce cost-effective accurate foreign language legal transcription services that you can trust. We also offer certified legal transcription (or transcription & translation) in most languages.
  • Our court and legal interpreting services also include BSL and SSE interpreting.

Court & legal interpreter services to trust

We provide only professionally-qualified court interpreting – something unfortunately not true of every supplier. Our legal and court interpreters are all DPSI (or better) qualified, DBS or CRB-cleared and properly-briefed, and we’ll also always try to obtain the nearest appropriate interpreter to keep your costs down.

While we make every effort to ensure our legal interpreter is totally independent, on occasion a previously-unknown relationship – such membership of the same mosque – can come to light. Should that occur our interpreters’ professional DPSI training ensures that they will promptly recuse themselves to protect your case.

A strong case

Your legal interpreter and translation services can make, or break, your case. We understand this, and that the quality and accuracy of our services can affect lives.

Full Corporate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, we’re also an accredited Member of the Association of Translation Companies, and are ISO 17100 and ISO 18841 accredited. You’re in safe hands.

So for a better language solution for your needs, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you.
Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)