Pet food Translation Services to get those tails wagging and waving

Experienced Petconomy translation services for pet food, toys & more.

Petconomy & veterinary products translation for over 20 years.

Whether cat, dog, or goldfish, pet nutrition and toys is big and growing business. We like to think our pet food translation has helped to wag or wave millions of tails over the decades we’ve been doing this!

But pet food translation also takes the right mindset – because although pets don’t usually buy their own stuff, convincing their owners that your product is the one their favourite hound or puss really deserves takes both a foodie’s enthusiasm and a nutritionist’s eye for detail. Just to give you a taste, we’ve delivered hundreds of pet food translation projects to date, receiving great feedback. And with BS EN ISO 17100 accreditation, you’ll get only the finest ingredients.

Thanks once again you guys are great to work with.”
– Global food company

Thrive in the petconomy with tastier translation

With pet ownership booming, more and more companies are entering the market – meaning your product needs to stand out. That’s especially true if you’re exporting – British pet food and pet products are highly regarded in Europe and there’s a hungry market (see what we did there?) eager for yours – IF you can convince that market that YOUR product is the right one. And a lot of gaining that acceptance is down to accurate, convincing translation. You know those European imports you smile at because the English is so chronic? Make sure your product doesn’t get the same reaction!

Healthier pet food translation

We’re the healthy alternative to fatty junk pet food translation services, with 100s of petconomy translation projects delivered to clients in Spanish, French and German; Polish, Dutch, Russian and more.

Space… the final frontier

“We’ve done this great new Wooftastic pack, look – can you add the translations?”
“Er – where? There’s no space?”
“Yeah there is – we left you half a centimetre in that corner, look…”

Sounds far-fetched? You’d be surprised. It’s often forgotten that 1) most languages are longer than English, and 2) 4-language content takes 4X the space. It isn’t rocket science – but if you’re designing a food pack for translation, please remember to leave s-p-a-c-e for the translation!

Great pet food translation helps pet owners look after their friends

There’s more to a thriving petconomy than petfood…

In addition to pet nutrition, hundreds of new pet treats and toys enter the petconomy every year. From catnip-stuffed chewy Santas to 10-story hamster luxury mansions, every one of them has to take a healthy bite out of the market. And here too, exporting is king. You need petconomy translation with the imagination to make your product stand out so well, buyers queue up to take it home to their furry (or scaly, or feathered) friend.

Petconomy translation isn't always black and white!

Can you “spot” the petconomy in this picture? Or would you like to “chew” it over for a bit?

When you need petconomy translation to compete in Europe’s fast-growing pet food and pet toy sector, we’re here to help.

Pet food translation for thought…

There’s a very informative site on pet food legislation here, covering a lot of the stuff you need to know for exporting to the EU and US. You’ll need to be familiar with – for starters – the EU’s key regulations, and there’s a downloadable list here. Outside the EU other countries will often have their own, frequently challenging, requirements, and adhering to these is essential to avoid serious problems down the line.

It’s important to stress that these requirements generally mean that simply translating existing packaging won’t usually be enough. Food labelling is a highly complex field and most exporters will opt to use a specialist consultancy to ensure they meet legislation – for example, some of our own clients work with Ashbury Global who have considerable expertise in food product and labelling compliance, including for petfood.

Full Corporate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, we’re also an accredited Member of the Association of Translation Companies, and are ISO 17100 and ISO 18841 accredited. You’re in safe hands.

So for a better language solution for your needs, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you.
Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)