What are we up to in week 18?

Missed updating last week, sorry! Anyway, THIS week we’re having lots of fun…

  • Rescued a (very embarrassed) new client’s website – they’d machine-translated it via the web, launched it in country, and had terrible feedback (surprise!) just DAYS before a national newspaper published their advertorial. We had only 3 days to re-translate the pages into proper French before stuff hit the fan for them – we did of course, and a happy client tells us they’re now swamped in enquiries!
  • Delivered lovely big Health & Safety project – 80,000 words in 3 languages in 6 weeks for a global blue-chip

  • Biscuits galore, with 8 new projects landing in the last week – busy generally on Food & Drink translation (including lots of typesetting) at the moment
  • Hospital and legal interpreting all over the place (of course) – Urdu, Cantonese, Polish, Italian, Turkish, Bengali, Lithuanian and Gujarati (and that’s just today!)
  • 13000 word proof reading project for an online portal in 5 languages
  • Finishing transcription of a 5-day international conference in Finland – just in time for a 3-day one to land!

And updated our main webpages for Google’s new +1 widget – look forward to seeing the effects of that! We’ll shortly be firing up our web Guestbooks too – we’ll post and tweet when these are live of course

That’s far from everything, but probably enough for now – should post another update next week!